Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Boiling Hot RBRC

Today's RBRC was brutal! 90 degree weather with an unforgiving sun... yikes! My time wasn't what I'd normally be happy with, but considering the heat and the fact I took a couple of walk breaks, I'm quite okay with finishing in about 35 minutes.

The running club has definitely become very popular! So popular, in fact, that there's going to be a special running event on July 6th for Independence Day. They've also changed the logistics of how we sign in every week; instead of doing an actual sign in, we just find our punch cards and turn them into a pile. It's a pretty nifty idea, I think.

We took the patio seating at the restaurant right after because the place was packed. The sun was still overbearing, but after getting some ice cold water and margaritas and beers into our system, things started to look up considerably. Mmmm, strawberry margaritas...

I had my usual, the roasted vegetable pizza, to make up for the lack of vegetables in my diet today.

But this run did reiterate why I prefer to run in the morning in the summertime so much. Oh man. But it's good practice, I guess, and it did do me some good for my running confidence: that kind of heat and running a 35 minute 5K when not a month ago that was my average for a 3-miler? Not too bad!

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