Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Morning Long Run

Today was a beautiful morning for my 7 mile long run! When I left my apartment, it was in the high 50s and cloudy, but by the time I finished, it was in the mid 60s and sunny and just beautiful. The run itself was a nice, pleasant run, too, with surprising results that just further proves to me that I am a faster runner than I think I am.

My pre-run breakfast was a Health Valley Organic Strawberry Cobbler Multigrain Cereal Bar. I had it before the Bolder Boulder and it was a great way to get started for that race, so for one mile further I did the same thing. Good fuel--light but filling!

And then I was off. My splits for the run as told by my Garmin:

Mile 1: 10:24
Mile 2: 10:17
Mile 3: 10:15
Mile 4: 10:12
Mile 5: 10:25
Mile 6: 11:15
Mile 7: 11:08

The first mile was an uphill, but miles 2-5 were downhills which is why I had those awesome splits. After mile 5 was a steady uphill, but I'm not complaining about the time in which I completed them. After all, not a month ago were those my average pace for any given run, but now I'm running that pace uphill near the end of my run? I'll take it!

What this means for me, though, is that it's time to take it up a notch. If I can maintain a 10:30 average pace for a long run, well, I shouldn't be doing that for my shorter runs anymore, should I, especially if I'm trying to PR at a 5K this summer!

Post-run breakfast was a fried egg, toast, and sliced oranges.

And now I suppose I should spend Sundays recapping my week's workouts. When I started this blog, that was my intention, and I've since lost that. Time to bring it back!

Monday: 30 Day Shred / Swimming (4 laps, apartment pool)
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred / Dance Central (Xbox Kinect)
Wednesday: 30 Day Shred / RBRC 5K
Thursday: 3 miles / 30 Day Shred
Friday: 2.5 miles / Walk ~100 minutes
Saturday: Swimming (8 laps, gym pool) / Weights
Sunday: 7 miles

Total Mileage: 15.5 miles

Once I do the 30 Day Shred later this afternoon, I will have succeeded in working out twice a day every day this week. Yes, I include playing a dancing video game and walking around; I thoroughly believe that both are legitimate forms of exercise! Not to mention that both works different muscles than I otherwise regularly work.

When do I fit in rest days? To be honest, I don't necessarily operate on a 7-day week when it comes to working out; I operate on a 10-day week. I had a full-out rest day last Sunday, but since I'm running RBRC on Wednesday, I'll either be taking tomorrow or Tuesday off, depending on what my body tells me. There's a chance I might take both days off, too! We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning.

Now, for Sunday fun times! I have a good amount of errands to run before everyone gets out of church!

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