Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekly Recap of Training

Monday: 15 minutes stairmaster, 30 minutes of weights, 15 minutes cycling
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 3K
Thursday: rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: 6 miles

The big thing to note is the 6 miles today: I did it! After last week's multiple failed 3+ miles, running the full 6 miles today was just the ego boost I needed. Starting this week, I'll start timing my runs again; I turned off my watch because my focus wasn't so much on how fast I was going but whether or not I could finish my runs. Having a watch on when I was trying to take it slower than usual would have done more harm than good.

Also starting this week are morning workouts, minus Wednesday nights' running club runs. The sun is out earlier now, and will only keep rising earlier and earlier. Besides, I always feel a lot better working out in the morning than I do in the afternoon, when I'm often exhausted and want nothing more than to curl up on my couch and watch TV or play video games.

Since my parents are coming to visit this weekend for Easter/Dad's birthday, this week is a little... strange. I will be ridiculously busy on Sunday, so that is my rest day, but Weights on Friday will be a relatively easy day, too, to let my muscles recuperate a little bit.

And so! Monday Weights will be a hard workout, and Tuesday's 4 mile run will be slow and easy. Wednesday's 5K with the running club will be a bit harder, and Thursday I will probably do some fartleks. Friday's Weights will be relatively easy, and Saturday morning's 8 mile run will be slow and easy but long enough that it will still be a workout.

Counting yesterday and today, this is eight days in a row of working out. I MIGHT wind up taking either Tuesday or Thursday off depending on how I feel. Don't want to overwork my muscles too badly!

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