Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lessons in Running in the Heat

I love RBRC, and this is a fact. However, these evening runs are probably best in spring/fall/winter and not so much the summer. These runs take place during the hottest time of day, after all!

No worries; there are a lot of very good runners who run in this kind of heat, and worse! Taking my lessons learned from last week's RBRC, I came prepared.

A visor to shield my eyes from the sun and provide me with an illusion of shade.

And more importantly, a bottle of water to keep me hydrated through the run. I downed that thing before I even finished running, but it helped a lot!

Yesterday's temperatures weren't as bad as last week's, and we even had a nice, cool breeze to help. Still, the sun was intense, and I still had a difficult time. My chest and stomach were giving me weird pains practically the entire time! Maybe I should invest in a heart rate monitor for these hotter runs so that I won't kill myself.

This week, Runner's Roost came by with a coupon for their store and flyers for a couple of charity races.

I'm considering Alex Hoag Run for Sunshine over the other because this one is a road race and not a trail race, and it's a little further way done the road from now. I will have to double check my training schedule because I think I'm supposed to run 12 miles the weekend of Alex Hoag.

Also this week, we finally had a section closed off for just the runners, and a water dispenser exclusively for our use!

This is starting to feel more and more like a club!

For my post-race dinner, since my stomach was still upset with me, I decided to take it easy on the food. Following Charlotte's lead, I opted not for a pizza but a salad and a bowl of fruit.

It certainly hit the spot! I even munched on Megan's leftover pretzels to help the carb levels a little.

This morning's run proved to me that yesterday's pains were a result of the heat increasing my heart rate; I had a great 4 mile run! And now, time to shower and get ready for work.

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